Juliet Jenebu Obajobi
Ahmadu Bello University, P.M.B. 1013, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i3n01Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study is a deconstruction of the History of Iyale from 1700 -1900. Geographically, Iyale which is a chiefdom under the Igala Kingdom is strategically located on the eastern flank of the Rivers Niger and Benue confluence. In temporal terms, the research starts from 1700 because it marked the establishment of Iyale and terminates in 1900 because it was the beginning of European incursion, subjugation, conquest and exploitation, which eventually metamorphosed into colonialism in Iyale area. The study adopts the political economy perspective. This research is built on the understanding that the development of any society, be it centralized or decentralized, represents a transformation or change in the social, political and economic system over time. This transformation is generally complex, involving both peaceful and non-peaceful means of integrating into society. Using primary sources, the study has shown that the ‘almost’ distorted tradition of origin of the people of Iyale was as a result of its historical experience and has established that the aboriginals of Iyale had existed in the Iyale area as early as the 15th century. We further discussed here the various versions of the tradition of origin of the people bearing in mind the contradictions in the interpretation of legends of origin; and the examination of the possible earliest centers associated with their development based on the materials available. This research has proved from available evidence that they were settlers already in Iyale before the establishment of the Attah dynasty at Idah and before the Igala-Jukun crises which other traditions have put forward as the exodus of the ‘heroic four brothers’ who left Idah to establish a new place of abode called Iyale.
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