Call For Paper

Call For Paper

IJSSHMR | Last Updated – February | Tags – call for research paper, international journal publishing, conferences , call for paper , research paper publishing.

Volume 04 Issue 03 (March 2025)
1)  Volume / Issue / Month     :     Volume 04 Issue 03 (March 2025)
2)  Submission Deadline     :     25 February - 26 March 2025
3)  Notification For Acceptance     :     Within a week after Submission
4)  Publication (Online)     :     Within 24 hours.
5)  Submit an article through Offline mode     :
6)  Submit an article through Online mode     :     Online Submission
7)  Frequency     :      12 Issues per Year
8)  Accepted Language     :     English

IJSSHMR, initiate a call for research paper every month.Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, and high quality technical notes are invited for publications, we welcome high quality work that focuses on research, development and application in related areas. Authors are encouraged to contact the Editors if they would like to submit a review article or bring out a special issue of the Journal. Submission of a manuscript is interpreted as a statement of certification that no part of the manuscript is copyrighted by any other publication nor is under review by any other formal publication. It is the primary responsibility of the author to obtain proper permission for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript, prior to the submission of the manuscript to IJSSHMR.

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Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the instructions given in the authors' guidelines. Manuscripts which do not conform to the format and style of the Journal may be returned to the authors for revision or rejected.

The Journal reserves the right to make any further formal changes and language corrections necessary in a manuscript accepted for publication so that it conforms to the formatting requirements of the Journal.

International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research will publish 12 monthly online issues per year, ijsshmr publishes articles as soon as the final copy-edited version is approved. ijsshmr publishes articles and review papers of all subjects area.

Open access is a mechanism by which research outputs are distributed online, Hybrid open access journals, contain a mixture of open access articles and closed access articles.

International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research initiate a call for research paper for Volume 04 Issue 03 (March 2025).

1) Last Date of Submission : 26 March 2025.
2) Article published within a week.
3) Submit Article : or Online

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