Students’ Level of Satisfaction of Postgraduate Thesis Supervision at the University of Education, Winneba
1Daniel Yelkpieri, 2Andrews Acquah, 3Emmanuel M. J. Tamanja, 4Cosmos K. Dzikunu
1,2,3,4Institute for Educational Research and Innovation Studies (IERIS)University of Education, Winneba
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i2n06

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The study sought to investigate the extent of postgraduate students’ level of satisfaction with thesis supervision and completion in the University of Education, Winneba. The sequential explanatory design was used to carry out this study. The population of the study comprised students who offered postgraduate programmes, postgraduate thesis supervisors, and Deans of the various faculties. A cluster, simple random and purposive sampling techniques were employed to select the respondents. A sample of 72 respondents were involved, 62 students answered the questionnaire while 10 supervisors were interviewed. The study found that more than half (56.5%) of the participants were familiar with the rules, regulations and procedures concerning postgraduate studies. More than half (53.2%) were not assigned supervisors in the first year and 6 out of 10 participants in the interview said that thesis topics were not approved. It was further found that two-fifth (40.3%) of the participants were satisfied with their supervisors’ availability or accessibility for consultation. Again, one third (33%) of the participants were satisfied with the ability of their supervisors keeping to timelines. The study recommends that monitoring and tracking of students’ study plan and progress reports by postgraduate coordinators and supervisors should be intensified in all postgraduate programmes and to submit annual report on all research postgraduate students.


postgraduate students, thesis supervisors, postgraduate coordinators, progress report, timelines.


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