Discussion on the Origin of Happiness Below Philosophical and Theological Perspective
PhD. Dinh Van Chien
University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City (USSH - VNUHCM) Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i2n02

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Before going into this topic, we must clarify the concept of "Happiness" from the perspective of "Philosophers". as well as the term "Happiness" of "Theologians". If "Philosophy" studies happiness from the perspective of human reason and that reason proves that happiness is the satisfaction of human's internal "material and spiritual" needs in a direct or indirect way (the current understanding is that this perception is proven from scientific theory). Or we can understand Philosophy as the truth of reason. Then "Theology" of happiness belongs to the belief of man about God revealing the world (God's revelation to man is to create needs for man and give man to satisfy those needs), Theology is the truth of faith. However, that faith is not only expressed in words but must be lived out in real life of man. And that happiness lies nowhere else but in the truth of truth. Man's happiness is the truth that reigns in the relationship between man and God and between man and man. Jesus said: “The truth will set you free” [John 8:32]. That is true liberation, that is true liberation. Truth is truth.


General theory of happiness; the view of happiness in the Philosophy of “reason”; the view of happiness in the Theology of “faith”.


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