1Azorondu Abigail.A.(PhD), 2Chigozie Jephter.N., 3Adeniyi Ayomide V., 4Kwarbai-Jerry Annah, 5Ukoha Grace, 6Olajiga Adebimpe, 7Dehinsilu Grace
1,2,3,4,5,6,7Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social Science, Babcock University, Ogun State, Nigeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i2n14Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study explores the role of social workers in fostering community cohesion and conflict resolution, focusing on their contributions to promoting social solidarity, empowering individuals, and facilitating sustainable development in Ogun State. Through a qualitative approach, the research examines the various strategies employed by social workers to strengthen social networks, mobilize communities, and address intergroup tensions. The study highlights the importance of community-based initiatives, such as collaborative projects, empowerment programs, and conflict resolution training, in building resilient and cohesive communities. Social workers’ involvement in enhancing communication, cooperation, and trust within communities is shown to be pivotal in addressing key social issues, including poverty, discrimination, and mental health challenges. The study further underscores the significance of negotiation, mediation, and collaborative strategies in conflict management, aiming for long-term social harmony and peace. The findings suggest that social workers play a critical role in equipping individuals and communities with the necessary skills and resources to navigate social challenges, thus fostering sustainable development. The study calls for enhanced capacity-building initiatives, policy support, and resource allocation to strengthen social work interventions and improve outcomes for communities in need.
KEYWORDS:Social work, community cohesion, conflict resolution, and intergroup relations
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