To Thanh My
Thu Duc College of Technology
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i2n11Google Scholar Download Pdf
The content of the article aims to clarify the transformation between natural power and social power, in which humans are the mediators of this transformation. The power of nature becomes the power of each individual, but the total power of individuals becomes social power. The power of society becomes the dominant force; individuals become products, and it carries the instinct of a species. The content is approached from human philosophy and social philosophy, at the same time using qualitative methods to analyze, synthesize, compare, and contrast between individual, natural, and social power. In particular, the inversion method clarifies the transformation between natural and social power in the commodity economy. The conclusion affirms: first, human survival is always unified, balanced, and transformed with nature, making the power of nature become the power of humans; second, human life is separated from the natural world, making humans different from other species. The life of other species has the instinct of possession, but human life satisfies the ability, which is creativity; third, human creativity is divided into subjects and products. Products are not only the object of survival but also the power of their fellow species, which is social power; fourth, social power becomes the force that dominates humans, manifested in the life of standards and money; fifth, standards and money dominate human life, manifested in the exploitation and transformation of nature, causing ecological imbalance, environmental pollution, and depletion of natural resources caused by money and different standards.
KEYWORDS:Nature, people, society, standards, money
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