Vietnam's Coffee Supply Activities to the EU Market
Nguyen Thi Van Nga
Thang Long University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i2n01

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The article examines Vietnam's ability to supply coffee to the EU market based on data from 2019 to 2023 in the context of digital transformation being applied in many components in the supply chain. The relevant data are obtained from the Trade map, International Trade Center and the General Statistics Office of Vietnam. The article analyzes Vietnam's coffee supply capacity to the EU market, through a survey to examine the factors affecting coffee exports to this region. Research shows that Vietnam's market share in the EU market is gradually decreasing, while the market share of Brazil, Germany and Italy is trending up. Some solutions have been proposed, such as Vietnamese coffee producers needing to focus their resources on production, deep processing, and building a Vietnamese coffee brand to promote regaining their position and increase market share in Vietnam. EU market.


Coffee supply chain; EU; Vietnamese coffee, economic management


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