Sulis Al Arif
Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) of the State Islamic University, Salatiga
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i1n07Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research analyzes the effectiveness and efficiency of three methods of lecturer and employee attendance used at the State Islamic University (UIN) Salatiga, namely: Squadron Android application, Smart Staff Android and iOS applications, and Fingerprint. This research uses a comparative quantitative approach with data collected through questionnaires from 76 respondents. The results of the research indicate that the Squadron Android application method has the highest level of satisfaction, accuracy, and socialization compared to other methods. However, all methods still face technical constraints, such as tool sensitivity and limited reach. This research recommends technical improvements, increased functionality, and integration of attendance systems to improve user experience. The Squadron Android application attendance method shows a higher value than Smart Staff Android and iOS applications and Fingerprint. Many respondents considered the ease of use and accuracy of the Squadron Android application attendance method better than other attendance methods.
KEYWORDS:Attendance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Technology
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