Assoc. Prof. Yesim Sirakaya
St Clements University Psychology Department Faculty Membery/United Kingdom
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i1n03Google Scholar Download Pdf
In today's world, the rapid advancement of technology causes radical changes in the business world and economy, causing significant transformations in the labor market. This article aims to discuss the advancement of technology and the effects of this advancement on unemployment from the perspective of human psychology. First of all, basic concepts and connections will be emphasized in order to understand the unemployment problem caused by the changes created by technology in the business world. It will be discussed how technology increases automation and how advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence affect labor demand. The social and economic consequences of unemployment crises will be examined, focusing on the direct effects of these changes on unemployment rates. The article will also discuss in detail the psychological experiences of individuals experiencing unemployment and the emotional difficulties they face in this process. The effects of unemployment on individuals will be examined in the context of factors such as self-esteem, stress and hopelessness, and how psychological resilience can be protected or strengthened will be emphasized. In addition, the focus will be on how people can develop coping mechanisms in times of crisis and how they can learn from these processes, and how individuals can achieve their journey of empowerment from crisis. Issues such as resilience, adaptation and retraining will be discussed as exit strategies from crises, and methods that will facilitate individuals' re-entry into the workforce will be discussed. As a result, this article aims to be an important resource for understanding the effects of technology on unemployment and discovering how individuals can emerge stronger from this difficult process. It aims to guide researchers, policy makers and social workers on how human psychology can be supported and how restructuring processes can be managed while dealing with unemployment crises.
KEYWORDS:Technology, unemployment, human psychology, crisis, empowerment, labor market, automation, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, resilience, psychological resilience, adaptation, retraining, social and economic consequences, re-entry into the workforce.
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