1Suci Hidayati, 2Munirul Abidin, 3Aini Rizqoh, 4Shofhatul Maulidiyah Hasanah
1,2,4Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia
3State University of Malang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i1n21Google Scholar Download Pdf
Achievement in the world of education is identical to the achievement of student learning outcomes in academic or non-academic fields. The focus of education tends to be on output. It turns out that outstanding teachers are able to become an important element as producers of quality generations who are competitive at the global level and successful in their future lives. The focus of the study aims to assess how much influence influencer leadership, digital transformation and social climate have on improving teacher achievement in building superior madrasas. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach with data analysis techniques using Smart-PLS to measure variables that influence and influence each other. The number of respondents in the study was 124 private madrasa teachers in Malang Regency with a liket scale measurement of 1-5. The analysis of Cronbach's alpha values as a whole and explaining the construct is internally consistent and reliable in this test..The results of the study showed that: (1) There is a significant influence between influencer leadership and improving teacher achievement; (2) there is a significant influence between digital transformation and improving teacher achievement and (3) there is no significant influence between social climate and improving teacher achievement. Predictively, researchers see that psychological factors in the form of self-efficacy have a greater influence than social climate in terms of improving teacher achievement. to the independent variable.
KEYWORDS:Influencer Leadership, Digital Transformation, Social Climate, Teacher Achievement, Excellent Madrasah
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