1Rizka Wahyuni Amelia, 2Nandang Hidayat
1,2Pamulang University
2Pakuan University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i1n19Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study analyzes what strategies will be carried out by PT Telkom Indonesia (TLKM) Tbk in increasing the price per share focusing on NPM and DPR. The population and sample in this study are the financial statements of PT Telkom Indonesia (TLKM) Tbk for the period 2014-2023. The method used in the study is mix method research (MMR). The results show that NPM has a negative but significant effect on DPR with an Adjusted R-square value (determination coefficient) of 0.5132 or 51.32% indicating that the effect of NPM on DPR is 51.32%, the remaining 48.68% is influenced by other factors. Focus on NPM and DPR strategies that can be carried out by PT Telkom Indonesia (TLKM); Short Term: Focus on operational efficiency and optimization of dividend policy to increase investor attractiveness Medium Term: Expand the digital service portfolio and take advantage of national digital transformation opportunities, Long Term: Diversify markets and products to face global competition and reduce dependence on the domestic market.
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