Millennial Fathers’ Perceptions of Fatherhood: Insights from Bapak2ID on Instagram as Reference Group
1Sakya Anindhita Wiradisuria, 2Rudini Triyadi, 3Past Novel Larasaty
1,2,3LSPR Institute of Communication and Business, Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i1n15

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Modern fathers have shifted from traditional views, where paternal figures were seen solely as providers and authoritarian figures with limited emotional engagement in their children’s lives, to becoming more involved and authoritative. This shift has been influenced by the rise of the internet and social media, which emphasize the importance of paternal figures in a child's development. It has also reshaped fathers' perceptions of themselves as positive role models who actively and emotionally engage with their children. Millennial fathers in Indonesia, accustomed to accessing information and communicating through social media, have integrated these platforms into their daily lives. While parenting resources often prioritize the maternal role, Bapak2ID bridges this gap by offering a platform where millennial fathers can acquire knowledge, share information, and discuss topics related to fatherhood and parenting. This study employs a qualitative approach to analyze the comments of male followers on Bapak2ID's 22 content posts over a three-month period (September to November 2024). These selected posts highlight topics on fatherhood and examine how followers process the messages, whether through central, peripheral routes, or combination of both routes and to connect it to their perception on fatherhood in their daily lives.


father, millennial, paternal, fatherhood, parenting, authoritative figure, social media, reference group


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