Empowering Educators: An Action Research on the Implementation of Smart Excel Tool for Enhanced Learner Assessment
1Cris Edison U. Villanueva, 2Mary Rose Pelindiana-Villanueva
1,2Lutucan Integrated National High School, Sariaya, Quezon, Philippines 4322
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2025.v4i1n10

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This action research investigates the effectiveness of the SMART Excel Tool, which is a user-friendly Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, custom-designed to enable the smooth calculation and analysis of student grades. This study addresses issues of time consumption and proneness to errors resulting from manual calculations, usually incurred by teachers, improving workload efficiency. A teacher survey (n=48) investigated current practice in the analysis of student Mean and Mean Percentage Score. Current practices were generally agreed to (Overall WAM: 3.19), although some areas of best practice emerged, including the manual categorization of scores (WAM: 3.10) and highlighting MPS scores (WAM: 3.10). Following the implementation of the SMART Excel tool and a related training session, teacher perceptions had changed significantly to the positive (Overall WAM: 3.42). It was reported by teachers that they found the tool very useful with a WAM of 3.64, easy to use with a WAM of 3.44, and accessible technical support with a WAM of 3.30. These findings suggest that the SMART Excel Tool has great potential to reduce teachers' workload around data analysis. These findings suggest that the SMART Excel Tool should be implemented more widely within the school division. Supplemental training in video format and user guides can provide individuals with different learning styles the ability to have a reference for teachers for continuing use. Future research at this point in time should examine if the tool has a long-term effect of reducing teacher workload while improving student learning outcomes, along with any shifts in teaching practice. It would also be interesting to examine the applicability of the SMART Excel Tool in other educational contexts, such as its application in elementary schools or other subject areas. In view of taking up these recommendations and continuing to explore, this research can help lessen teacher workload, increase the efficiency of data analysis, and engender a more streamlined and supportive educational environment.


data automation, learner assessment, excel tool, teacher efficiency, technology integration


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