VOlUME 03 ISSUE 09 September 2024
Dr. Yunita. S.S. M. Sas
Pamulang University, South Tanggerang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i9n06Google Scholar Download Pdf
Issues regarding gender in Indonesia are still ongoing, which cannot be denied that the patriarchal system is still very strong. Feminist law is based on feminist sociology, feminist philosophy and feminist history expansion of women's attention later in life. At the end of the 20th century, there were many feminist movements seen as a splinter of the Critical Legal Studies movement, of which there are many in essence provides criticism of the legal logic that has been used, its manipulative nature and legal dependence on politics, economics, the role of law in forming patterns social relations, and the formation of hierarchies by legal provisions is not fundamental. Feminist theories often ignore women's contemporary position, focusing on women historical past or utopian future. Focus on praxis often about creating revolutions, egalitarian reforms, or cultural utopias. Much of sociology is based on what are known as individual relationships with the world as it is and as it is maintained.
KEYWORDS:gender, patriarchy, feminism, inequality.
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