VOlUME 03 ISSUE 09 September 2024
1Myra J. Diaz, 2Edilberto Z. Andal EdD
1Laguna State Polytechnic University, San Pablo City Campus
2Dean, Graduate Studies and applied Research
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i9n04Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aimed to assess and explore the students’ engagement in performing dance activities in a differentiated instruction of physical education among senior high school learners. Employing descriptive correlational research design, 51 STEM students from grade 12 responded to a survey questionnaire, which served as the main instrument in this study. The data gathered were subjected to descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistical analysis, such as Pearson Correlation. This study revealed that Differentiated Instruction in Physical Education and the students’ engagement in dance activities were effective in teaching Physical education including well-ventilated environment, employing variety of strategies for learner’s development and progress. The engagement of the respondents in dance activities were determined in their learning styles, physical, emotional, and cognitive was practiced. The respondents observed strict compliance and attentiveness with their tasks. It was found out that Differentiated Instruction in Physical Education and the students’ engagement in dance activities among senior high school students is practically effective especially in employing leadership strategies and collaborative attitude, it plays a vital role in developing work engagement among the learners for a good output. Though. still need to improve the use of differentiated instruction to make students fully engaged in physical education in dance activities.
KEYWORDS:dance activities, differentiated instructions, students’ engagement
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