VOlUME 03 ISSUE 09 September 2024
1Vicente E. Montano, 2Rowena C. Cinco
1,2College of Business Administration Education, University of Mindanao, Bolton St., Davao City (8000) Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i9n14Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research applies the Geometric Brownian Motion-Neural Network (GBM-NN) model to predict the industrial output in the Philippines from January 1993 to December 2022. The GBM-NN model uses the stochastic properties of Geometric Brownian Motion to estimate trends and volatility better and introduces a neural network for more predictive accuracy based on nonlinearity in the data. The result suggests an industrial production series characterized by high variability. Due to the application of the GBM-NN method, it is verified that this model issues a more coherent prediction than traditional methods due to the lower RMSE and better R-square values. Results show a modest recovery in the industrial sector and further illustrate that the model is an excellent tool to help policymakers and industry participants make better decisions during uncertain economic periods.
KEYWORDS:Industrial Output, Geometric Brownian Motion-Neural Network (GBM-NN), Philippines, UN SDG 9
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