VOlUME 03 ISSUE 09 September 2024
1Nicole R. Hosmillo, 2Cecilia B. Diva
1Secondary School Teacher II- JHS, 2 Professor Graduate Studies and Applied Research (GSAR)
1Callejon National High School, Callejon, San Antonio, Quezon, Philippines
2Laguna State Polytechnic University, San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i9n10Google Scholar Download Pdf
Effective learning materials can mean the difference between students’ difficulties, learning independence, and improved academic achievement in the teaching and learning process. Thus, this study is designed to bridge the gap between the learning process and the appropriate learning material for English use. Specifically, this study on Learning Resource Material for Recreatory Reading and the Cognitive Thinking Skills of Grade 7 Students aimed to determine the effectiveness of the developed learning resource material in teaching English in developing the cognitive thinking skills of the learners. The study used an experimental research design utilizing the pretest and posttest assessment as the main instruments, which led to achieving its objectives with 38 Grade 7 students as respondents of the school year 2023-2024. The result of the study revealed that the use of learning resource material for recreatory reading is highly effective in improving the students’ cognitive thinking skills. The pretest results indicate that the student’s cognitive thinking skills are from developing proficiency. However, posttest results in cognitive thinking skills show that the students achieved advanced and proficient levels, indicating mastery of the competencies. Further, findings resulted in a significant difference and an increase in the cognitive thinking skills assessment on remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating, which implies that the use of learning resource material for recreational reading helped the students to develop cognitive thinking skills. This result suggests incorporating learning resource material into students' recreational reading improved their cognitive thinking skills.
KEYWORDS:Cognitive Thinking Skills, Learning Resource Material, Recreatory Reading
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