VOlUME 03 ISSUE 08 August 2024
Véronique Lemoine-Bresson
Associate Professor, Accredited to supervise PhD research, ATILF (CNRS), University of Lorraine, 44 avenue de la Libération, 54000 Nancy, France
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i8n06Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article presents the results of a study which considers how French preservice teacher training develop intercultural competences in a 'disruptive' training device. The study focuses on 22 collaborative written texts on the basis of an American photographic project that denounces linguistic microaggressions. Various traces of the process of critical awareness are observed. Suggestions for improving the course design are discussed.
KEYWORDS:Intercultural skills, preservice teacher training, linguistic microagressions, collaborative written
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