VOlUME 03 ISSUE 08 August 2024
1Bill Kennedy, 2Stephanus R. Waworuntu
1,2President University, Cikarang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i8n04Google Scholar Download Pdf
Using qualitative thematic analysis, researcher figure out learning drivers for using digital learning platform. The subject that tested divided into 3 generations that exists in PT. Jababeka Tbk and Sinar mas Land which are Generation X, Generation Y and generation Z. Each Generations has their respective points of view towards digital learning. Using motivation theory’s elements, factors that played to drive these 3 generations in using digital learning. Researcher also found that nowadays, older generations (generation X) has not had difficulties in using Digital learning anymore as previous stigma in early pandemic era. The stigma where stating older generation has difficulties to keep up with digital transformation proven invalid in this writing. Their hindrance in using digital learning platform is only due to their physical ability such as old eye sight and blue light from gadget; not from the motivation of them or their resistance to change and adapt. In Motivation theory of self-actualization Maslow, employee is trying to self-actualize by acquiring new skills and knowledge. Herzberg also state that there are hygiene factor in a form of company SOP and rules that in fact urge employee with low learning appetite to use digital learning while motivation factor in Herzberg push people to achieve to be recognize and to get personal growth. Similar with Herzberg motivation theory, ERG by Alderfer’s also strengthen the argument by need to grow. Lastly, McClelland theory in regards to need of affiliation also shown that older generation (gen X) has need to be keep up with current trend and don’t want to be left behind.
KEYWORDS:digital learning, motivation theory; Generation X; Generation Y; Generation Z
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