VOlUME 03 ISSUE 08 August 2024
1To Van Đat, 2Nguyen Van Bung
1Vang Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i8n17Google Scholar Download Pdf
As creative subjects, humans have two fundamental aspects: ability and need. If the need is defined as the purpose, then the ability will become a means and gradually become corrupted; conversely, if the ability is considered the purpose, the need will become non-existent, or in other words, the need becomes the purpose of the ability. The imbalance in the relationship between need and ability in the subject is one of the reasons why the subject turns itself into an object. The fundamental conflicts between people return in a more diverse and complex way. This article will explore the relationship between the needs and abilities of creative subjects in the context of issues such as individual-community, nature-society, and freedom - necessity;... From there, it is argued that the exchange between ability and need between creative subjects is an inevitable rule in the development process of society.
KEYWORDS:Creative subject, need, ability, harmonious exchange, unbalanced exchange
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