VOlUME 03 ISSUE 07 July 2024
Ronna R. Coronel
Program: Master of Arts In Education major: Educational Management Academic Year: 2023-2024
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i7n05Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study focused on the of academic supervision and managerial skills of school heads for the teacher’s quality and work effectiveness among schools in Sariaya West District, Division of Quezon. The descriptive-correlational research strategy was used after analyzing the study's goals and objectives and reviewing existing research on the subject. There were 160 respondents. These are the school teachers, including master teachers, of Sariaya West District in the Division of Quezon. The result of the study shows that: the school heads in the district were observed to practiced well the academic supervision particularly on adaptability to change, time management, written and verbal communication and cooperation It implies that they employ appropriately to lead the school by practicing to show their teachers that they are competent to supervise school operations and being recognized for their proficiency in these key areas of academic supervision, which are crucial for effective school leadership and management. The managerial skills of the school heads are observed particularly on interpersonal skills, organization and delegation, problem solving and decision making and mentoring. They effectively provide assistance to their teachers in school by explicitly implying the role of interpersonal skills, delegation of task, decisional making and mentoring. The teacher’s quality and teachers work effectiveness in the school increased when leaders practiced academic supervision and observed managerial skills and were able to realize substantially observable measures to a positive degree.
KEYWORDS:Academic Supervision, Managerial Skills, Techers’ Quality, Work Effectiveness.
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VOlUME 03 ISSUE 07 JULY 2024
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