VOlUME 03 ISSUE 06 June 2024
Ashari Ismail
Department of Sociology, FISH, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i6n07Google Scholar Download Pdf
Covert prostitution, practiced by women in a number of coffee shops, is part of "socio-cultural inequality, which causes problems". Prostitution is not only about the problematic of cultural and structural inequality but also related to the social profile, which is about the social condition/character of prostitutes with the relations that surround them. This research was conducted in a number of coffee shops in Wajo Regency, Indonesia, using descriptive qualitative methods. The results showed that a number of social profiles attached to coffee shop prostitutes, namely educational background, religiosity and weak women's skills, flashy makeup and sexy clothes, bed providers in coffee shops, illegal companions / husbands. A number of things above, is a social profile as a social picture, the coffee shop prostitutes in practicing prostitution in disguise.
KEYWORDS:Social Profile, Covert Coffee Shop Prostitutes
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VOlUME 03 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2024
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