JUNE 2024

VOlUME 03 ISSUE 06 June 2024
Analysis of the Influence of Compensation, Leadership and Work Environment to Employee Job Satisfaction (Studies on Employee Restaurant Fast Serve Mcdonald's in City Banjarmasin)
1H. Abdul Wahab, 2Mahfuzil Anwar
1,2Indonesian College of Management Science (STIMI) Banjarmasin 2004
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i6n06

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Study This aim For describe compensation, leadership And work environment on employee job satisfaction at McDonald's restaurants in Banjarmasin City. Examining the influence of compensation, leadership and work environment on job satisfaction employee and analyze variable where between compensation, leadership And environment Work Which influential most dominant to satisfaction Work employee. The research method used is a survey method where The collection of information from respondents was carried out using questionnaires and calculation use program SPSS. Population on study This is employee restaurant McDonald's in City Banjarmasin amount 98 person. Study This use data subject, namely in the form of written responses from respondents regarding the question items or a statement made into one of each indicator for each variable. For The data source for this research is the primary data source. Based on research results compensation, leadership and work environment have a significant effect on satisfaction McDonald's restaurant employees work in Banjarmasin City. Compensation is in the form of salary provided with fair, leadership Which capable influence subordinate And environment Work which is realized connection with superior in form cooperation Which Good, so can give satisfaction Work form braid Work Which Good with fellow employee. A conducive work environment provides a sense of security and allows employees to can work optimally. This is what makes the work environment have the most influence dominant to satisfaction Work restaurant employees McDonald's in City Banjarmasin.


Compensation, leadership, environment Work And satisfaction Work


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VOlUME 03 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2024

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