JUNE 2024

VOlUME 03 ISSUE 06 June 2024
Ecuador, Caught between extortionists and Terrorism
Nelson Pérez Villarroel
Cesar Vallejo University Lima-Perú
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i6n10

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Ecuador finds itself at a dangerous crossroads, caught between the growing threat of extortionists and terrorism, creating an environment of fear and uncertainty for its citizens. Extortion, perpetrated mainly by criminal gangs and gangs, has escalated to alarming levels, affecting small and medium-sized businesses who are forced to pay to protect their lives and property. This phenomenon not only hits the economy, but also undermines confidence in public security institutions. This article provides a vision of the critical situation in Ecuador, where aspects are addressed from a multidimensional perspective and allowing a deep understanding of the dynamics between extortion and terrorism, the objective is to offer a comprehensive way about the related events, under a methodology of literary review, analysis of recent data, comparison of academic and government sources as a beginning of the first findings to establish public policies that help mitigate an escalation that can lead to disastrous consequences in the social, political and economic sphere. The government response has included legislative reforms and greater international cooperation, demanding an integrated approach that not only combats the symptoms, but also the roots of these problems. Engaging the community and strengthening institutions are crucial steps to breaking this cycle of violence and fear. The situation in Ecuador is a forceful reminder of the need for robust and coordinated policies to confront threats that go beyond national borders (Ponce & Carrera, 2022).


extortion, security, terrorism


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VOlUME 03 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2024

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