VOlUME 03 ISSUE 05 MAY 2024
1Salsabyla Azki Qurial Qur’ani, 2Tri Na’imah, 3Imam Faisal Hamzah, 4Gisella Arnis Grafiyana
1,2,3,4Psychology Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i5n06Google Scholar Download Pdf
When in the Islamic Boarding School, students are expected to have good self-adjustment skills. However, there are still many students who have not mastered it. This causes frequent interpersonal conflicts between students that can interfere with the learning process and activities in the pesantren. Therefore, forgiveness is one of the steps that can be taken to overcome this problem. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of Islamic religiosity and friendship quality as determinants of forgiveness of Islamic boarding school students. This study is a quantitative study with a sample of all male and female students at the boarding school totaling 138. Data collection used the Islamic religiosity scale (RIS), friendship quality scale (FQQ), and forgiveness scale (TRIM-18). Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression with the help of the SPSS version 25.00 for Windows program. The results showed a significant positive influence between Islamic religiosity and friendship quality on the forgiveness of Islamic boarding school students as indicated by the value of F = 23.721, the probability value sig (p) 0.000 (p < 0.050), and the coefficient of determination 0.260. This shows that Islamic religiosity and friendship quality have an influence of 26% on forgiveness. For future research, it is recommended to expand the scope of research by considering additional variables that can affect the forgiveness of Islamic boarding school students. For example, research can explore the role of factors such as personality, family parenting patterns, or other social experiences in shaping the level of forgiveness. In addition, research can be conducted with a larger and more representative sample, as well as using more in-depth research methods such as longitudinal studies or qualitative studies to understand more deeply the mechanism of the influence of Islamic religiosity and friendship quality on forgiveness.
KEYWORDS:Forgiveness; friendship quality; islamic religiosity
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VOlUME 03 ISSUE 05 MAY 2024
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