Ginalyn G. Centeno
Master Teacher I of Lusacan Elementary School.- Tiaong, Quezon, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i4n08Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study primarily aimed to enhance the reading comprehension skills of Grade VI pupils during the SY 2022-2023 using the intervention program Project READY PLUS. It specifically aimed to identify the results of the pre-reading assessment of the Grade 6 pupils at the start of the SY 2022-2023; the results of the reading assessments of Grade 6 pupils after the reading intervention program; and the significant difference in the Grade VI pupils’ reading comprehension after the implementation of the reading intervention program. The study utilized the quasi-experimental research design particularly the one group pre-test post-test study. It was not only limited to slow-readers alone but more so focused on the enhancement of reading comprehension skill of 212 Grade VI pupils. Results revealed that the learners’ reading comprehension level was at Average before the conduct of the Project READY PLUS; the MPS of the participants went higher after the conduct of the reading intervention program and the students are now Moving Towards Mastery in terms of reading comprehension; and that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the learners. Therefore, the hypothesis “there is no significant difference in the reading comprehension skills of the Grade VI pupils before and after conducting the reading intervention program” is not sustained.
KEYWORDS:Project READY PLUS, slow-readers, comprehension skills, reading intervention, reading assessment
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VOlUME 03 ISSUE 04 April 2024
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