1Reinanda Isfania Hanifah, 2Seta A. Wicaksana
1,2Faculty of Psychology, University Pancasila, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i2n07Google Scholar Download Pdf
Digital transformation is increasingly necessary in the public sector and is a government strategy imperative. ASNs working in Organization X need to be agile to adapt to the changing environment and the current digital acceleration. Higher work engagement among employees will lead to increased motivation and improved workforce agility. This research takes a quantitative approach in the form of non-experimental methods. Regression analysis was used as the analysis technique to investigate the impact of work engagement on employee agility of ASN employees in company X. The study sampling consisted of 122 interviewees. The results indicate a significant positive correlation between work engagement and workforce agility. Further research is expected to deepen the information by interviewing relevant parties to verify and strengthen the phenomenon.
KEYWORDS:Digital Transformation, Workforce Agility, Work Engagement, ASN
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