1I Gusti Ayu Ratna Pramesti Dasih, 2Anak Agung Raka Asmariani, 3I Gusti Ayu Diah Prameswara Padawati Indraswari
1,2State Hindu University I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar
3Ministry of Religious Affairs, Denpasar City
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i2n05Google Scholar Download Pdf
The presence of the Mejaga-jaga Tradition serves as a historical representation of the populace's allegiance to their monarch. This tradition encompasses the pacaruan ritual, which aims to counteract the adverse influence of bhutakala and infuse the sanctity of the universe.The research objective underscores the role of ritual communication in shaping the perceptions of menyamabraya as a means to construct the belief system of the BesangKawanTohjiwa Village community. The study employed a qualitative-interpretative approach with the aim of extracting information to elucidate the research locale, grounded in community experiences and subsequently documenting it in scholarly discourse. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model, resulting in an illustration that the Mejaga-jaga Tradition ritual uses the main means of a bantengculawhich is paraded in the ngiderprocession around the village, krama lanangcarry berokanmade of jakatree fronds decorated with bludruleaves and the ends are paired with dewatanawasangaweapons. In the ngiderprocession, the bantengcula is paraded around three times as a symbol of cleansing bhuana agung and bhuana alit, namely alambhur, bwah, and swah. The Mejaga-jaga tradition employs the concept of menyamabraya as a means of ritual communication to influence the perception of the BesangKawanTohjiwa community. Ritual communication is directed towards the elaboration of cultural messages, serving as a mode of logical reasoning, consequently overcoming the challenges associated with public comprehension when interpreting religious symbols and rituals.Menyamabrayais a significant concept for the Balinese people when it comes to understanding tradition and culture. Ritual communication has the potential to influence how Menyamabraya is perceived in the social interactions of the BesangKawanTohjiwa community. This perception is deemed ideal depending on the stimuli it encounters, enabling the development of a belief system that preserves cultural identity.
KEYWORDS:Mejaga-jaga Tradition, Ritual Communication, Perception, Menyamabraya
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