1Golan Hasan, 2Nevi Ariyu De Utami
1,2Batam International University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i2n03Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to determine the influence of product quality, price, promotion, lifestyle, and eWOM on purchasing decisions for thrift clothing which is mediated by purchase intention. The method used in this research can be grouped as comparative causal research, namely research to see the effect of one variable on another. This type of research. In this research, the research object that will be used is the people of Batam City. The samples used were residents of Batam City who had purchased Thrift clothing, either online (Instagram, Shopee, Ecommerce) or who had made purchases by coming directly to the Thrifting place (Thrift Market/Second Market). The results obtained from this research are that Product Quality has no significant influence on Purchase decisions, Price has no significant influence on Purchase decisions, Lifestyle has no significant influence on Purchase decisions, Promotion has a direct influence on Purchase Decisions, E-WOM has a direct influence on Purchase Decisions, E-WOM has a direct influence on Purchase Intention. Purchase Intention has a direct influence on Purchase Decision. Purchase Intention has a direct influence on Purchase Decision.
KEYWORDS:Product Quality, Price, Promotion, Lifestyle, Electronik Word of Mouth, Purchase Decision, Purchase intention.
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