Asbullah Muslim
Elkatarie Institute, Indonesia PhD student of UIN Mataram
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i2n13Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study is to investigate the meaning and symbolic values of Jayengrana actor in Wong Menak Wayang Sasak story. This study is descriptive qualitative using observation, interview, and documentation as data collection techniques. To obtain the meaning, the researcher use semiotic perspective method analysis from Roland Barthes' theory. After significance analysis is done, a conclusion can be drawn that the symbolic values of the Jayengrana character are interpreted through naming and characterization in playing his main actor role. Each name of the actor reflects his identity or personality which is reflected from character shows on their performance.
KEYWORDS:Semiotics, Jayengrana, Sasak Puppets
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