Dr. NagaMurali Eragamreddy
English Language Unit, Preparatory Studies Center, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i12n05Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study explores how undergraduate students' growth of their English writing skills is impacted by artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This study addresses the key topic of whether AI-assisted writing instruction enhances undergraduate students' positive evaluations of the learning process, reduces anxiety, and improves writing skills as the significance of proficient academic writing grows. The study employed a mixed-methods design with two groups of fifteen University of Sebha, Libya students each: the experimental group and the control group In terms of method, data was obtained through pre and post-tests and writing examples that took place over 16 weeks. A control group made use of conventional approaches toward writing, while the experimental group used AI technologies during writing. The writing samples were qualitatively scored by expert raters while statistically comparing the test scores. In addition, the experimental group showed improvement in writing quality, grammatical complexity, and vocabulary. These findings confirm the positive effect of AI on writing skills. AI-assisted education enhances writing skills, increases confidence, and decreases anxiety. These findings suggest that using AI in writing classes can effectively aid language acquisition, benefiting teachers and curriculum developers.
KEYWORDS:Artificial Intelligence, writing proficiency, vocabulary development, syntacti complexity, English language learning.
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