The Influence of Work Ability, Servant Leadership, and Workload on Employee Performance through Organizational Commitment at Secretariat East Java Province Marine and Fisheries Service
1Alvian Jihad Suryana,2Siti Mujanah,3Sumiati
1,2,3University 17 August 1945 Surabaya

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The objective of this study is to examine the impact of work ability, servant leadership, and workload on employee performance, with organizational commitment serving as a mediating factor, at the East Java Province Maritime and Fisheries Service. This research offers both theoretical and practical advantages. This study employs a quantitative methodology. The data were gathered by a questionnaire that was issued to workers of the Secretariat, Maritime and Fisheries Service of East Java Province via an online form. This study used a saturation sampling strategy, which involves including all members of the population as respondents or selecting a sample of 71 individuals. The SEM-PLS statistical technique was utilized to conduct testing on the 7 stated hypotheses. The research findings indicate the following relationships: 1) Work ability has a significant impact on employee performance; 2) Work ability has a significant impact on organizational commitment; 3) Servant Leadership has a significant impact on employee performance; 4) Servant Leadership has a significant impact on organizational commitment; 5) Workload has a significant impact on employee performance; 6) Workload does not have a significant impact on organizational commitment; 7) Organizational commitment has a significant impact on employee performance.


Work Ability, Servant Leadership, Workload, Employee Performance, Organizational Commitment


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