High-Tech Based Disruptive Innovation Model (Case Study Di Stie El’fatah Manado)
STIE El’Fatah Manado, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia

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The main objective of this study is to analyze and describe a high-tech-based disruptive innovation model, focusing on network infrastructure availability and leadership strengthening. This was conducted through a qualitative descriptive approach, utilizing direct observation and in-depth interviews with five informants to address issues related to weak initiatives in implementing high-tech-based disruptive innovation models, with data analysis techniques using triangulation. This research resulted in a high-tech-based disruptive innovation model as a form of transformation and innovation in information services, shifting from conventional to digital by integrating three areas of information services: Education to Citizen (EdtoC), Education to Entrepreneurship (EdtoE), and Education to Education (EdtoEd). The conclusions drawn indicate that a high-tech-based disruptive innovation model within the realms of Education to Citizen (EdtoC), Education to Entrepreneurship (EdtoE), and Education to Education (EdtoEd) enables educational institutions to explore new opportunities, test ideas, and face emerging competition on the global landscape through adequate network infrastructure availability, political will, and strong leadership. These factors help in addressing issues of coordination, communication, and synchronization to foster a more modern work culture. The implications of this disruptive innovation model perspective provide an operational concept that integrates cyber technology for strategic decision-making processes, meeting the aspects of confirmability and transferability, ensuring that it can be applied in other settings.


Disruptive Innovation; Network Infrastructure; Leadership Strengthening


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