1Lucas Garcia da Silva Souza, 2Raphael de Almeida Leitão
1Aviator Cadet of the 4º Squadron of the Air Force Academy in Brazil.
2Infantry Major of the Air Force Academy in Brazil. M.Sc. Degree in Aerospace Science at Air Force University, UNIFA, Brazil.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i11n08Google Scholar Download Pdf
Christian ethics can be applied to solve the ethical dilemmas of war and since decision-making in armed conflicts is permeated by these dilemmas with problematic solutions, this work aims to verify the degree of applicability of Christian ethics in dealing with the ethical dilemmas of Fourth Generation warfare. Thus, aware of the importance of adapting the decisions of the war according to the values of the nation, attitudes that fit as acceptable according to Christian ethics are opportune, given that a large portion of the Brazilian population is greatly influenced by Christianity and its moral conduct presented. In this way, a bibliographical review will be carried out of theorists who address the theme of Christian ethics in war, such as Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and, above all, Geisler, as well as articles that fall within the theme of Fourth Generation armed conflicts. In order to achieve its objective, the paper uses a qualitative approach to the nuances of Fourth Generation conflicts. Next, the characteristics of Christian ethics and their relationship with armed conflicts are highlighted, emphasizing the three major currents of thought according to Geisler: activism, pacifism and selectivism. In addition, there is a brief overview of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Then, the objective of this work will be to verify the degree of applicability of Christian ethics to the ethical dilemmas characteristic of such conflicts. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that, in order to achieve this objective, the degree of applicability of the thinking of each current seen by Geisler in the ethical dilemmas of fourth generation conflicts will be considered individually, in order to reach the conclusion.
KEYWORDS:Christian ethics, Fourth generation war, just war.
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