Cathrina P. Bituin
Padre Garcia Integrated National High School
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i11n07Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between communicative competence and speaking performance among senior high school students. Using a descriptive-correlational research design, thirty (30) Grade 11 STEM students from Padre Garcia Integrated National High School during the academic year 2023-2024 were selected as respondents of the study. Five expert teachers validated the instrument. The test questionnaires were used as the primary instruments to evaluate communicative competence among participants. The questionnaire consisted of a test aimed at gathering data regarding participants' communicative competence and a rubric to test speaking performance. Statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, and Pearson R were utilized to test the relationship of the independent and dependent variables. Hypotheses were tested and the findings revealed the following information: the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between communicative competence and the speaking performance of senior high school learners is accepted. Having all those findings, this study recommends diversifying instructional strategies in enhancing sociolinguistic and strategic competence; conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD); integrating speaking skills development across the curriculum and implementing cross-domain training. Future researchers may conduct a study on communicative competence and speaking performance of senior high school on a large scale such as regional or national level.
KEYWORDS:communicative competence, discourse, instructional strategies, instructional strategies, speaking performance
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