Department: Communication And Media Managementgirne American University, North Cyprus
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i11n02Google Scholar Download Pdf
There is no doubt that citizen journalists engaging in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) have been complimenting the conventional media with information dissemination to the public sphere. However, a lot of loopholes have been observed in their duty discharge that are not professional and unethical to journalism practices. Media are an essential part of any developed or developing country; they are the mouthpiece of both the ruler and the ruled, and at the same time they have a great influence on the society, thereby are expected to uphold morals in high regard. Morals in journalism are seen as ethics that guide the performances of the journalism profession, ethics of the profession aren’t to be toiled with. Lack of media ethics is detrimental to the profession and capable of putting the society/country in jeopardy. This study is therefore set out to examine the impact/effect of new media and long-term citizen journalism on conventional media ethics. As it is known ethics in journalism is core to professional duty discharge and needs to be held in high esteem.
KEYWORDS:Citizen Journalism, Conventional Media, New Media, And Ethics.
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