Florentino Silva Becerra
Tenured research professor*, SNII level 1, PRODEP Profile, assigned to the Department of Education Studies of the University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Guadalajara Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i11n13Google Scholar Download Pdf
This work integrates the group from the elucidation that is presented in a multidimensional way of which the theoretical bodies that make up this study on tensions, instead of invalidating them, makes it possible to think about the group from the constitution of a network of intersections with varied effects, of senses and non- senses, product of human groups. Its objective is to explain through the inductive generation of conceptual categories expressed in the regularities between investigated phenomena that access possible interpretative theories of the reality of fragmentation as an institutional group. Addresses a qualitative methodology; a flexible design, dealing with the social interaction between teachers and managers in a subjective, dynamic reality composed of a multiplicity of contexts. From ethnography, open interviews and participant observation is permanently addressed, as well as the use of reflexivity, obtained from the analysis of the subjective and intersubjective meanings of collegiate work, where fragmentation was analyzed through participation and significance. of the group. The effects that the group produces on the subjects that comprise it, giving rise to group hood, understood as “a relational structure where it is possible to recognize a clear discrimination between subject and object.
KEYWORDS:FORMATIVE fields, fields of meaning, epistemic didactics, correctionality, construction of knowledge.
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