Influence Intellectual Capital and Cash Holding on Company Value
1Indawati, 2Fina Fitriyana
1,2University of Pamulang

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Company value own role important as indicator performance and wealth holder stocks . Then the research This aiming For test and analyze influence Intellectual Capital , and Cash Holding on the Company's Value in the Company The industry that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for period 2018 to 2022. Type of research This is quantitative , with using secondary data . The data analysis method used is a panel data regression test with use application Microsoft Excel and Eviews 9. Population in study This is all sector industries listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2018 to 2022. Data collection techniques in this research This is purposive sampling with results from 55 population study into 14 samples processed research study This . Research results show that Intellectual Capital , and Cash Holding influential in a way simultaneous on Corporate Value in the company industry period 2018 to 2022. Meanwhile in a way partial Intellectual Capital influential on Company Value, and Cash Holding influential towards Company Value.


Intellectual Capital ; Cash Holding ; Value Company


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