1Hsiao-Chu Hsu, 2Chi-Hsin Wu
1,2Department of Labor Relations, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i11n01Google Scholar Download Pdf
Taiwan, renowned as a global leader in technology, boasts a manufacturing sector that accounts for more than 30%of its GDP. With the growing public knowledge of climate change, there has been a notable rise in environmental awareness among contemporary societies, influencing how businesses are perceived based on their environmental practices. This research targets potential job candidates in the tech sector, employing semi-structured interviews with individuals educated in engineering and related disciplines within Taiwan. It delves into three core questions, aiming to uncover: (1) whether individuals with environmental awareness prefer to work for committed companies to environmental sustainability; (2) if environmentally aware employees can facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices within their companies; and (3) whether a company's dedication to environmental sustainability enhances its appeal to prospective employees, thereby aiding in the recruitment and retention of top talent. Findings indicate that all participants are environmentally aware and eager to support workplace sustainability initiatives. Individuals with employment options often opt for companies with robust environmental reputations. Conversely, those encountering challenges in securing employment tend to prioritize immediate job availability over the environmental standing of the company. The study concludes with several recommendations to foster environmental awareness across various sectors, including government, media, businesses, educational institutions, and individuals.
KEYWORDS:corporate environmental responsibility, job pursuit intention, environmental awareness.
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