1Seniwati, 2Patrice Lumumba, 3Adi Suryadi Culla
1International Relations Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
2International Relations Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
3International Relations Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i1n08Google Scholar Download Pdf
The features contained in ChatGPT are centered on providing conversations. One of ChatGPT's capabilities is that it can imitate real-life conversations because its learning is further supervised and uses a perfect language model, so its coverage differs from other smart technologies. ChatGPT has a way of expanding its functions and features, namely with plugins that can provide services to users so that this system can maximize applications. With other plugins, ChatGPT can access and control these third-party services. ChatGPT's biggest weakness is that it sometimes produces text that when read sounds correct but is incorrect information. ChatGPT also does not provide clear references, resulting in copyright problems. Therefore, ChatGPT has been banned by several countries due to copyright issues. The Italian government immediately blocked ChatGPT because there were no special regulations regarding this application. Meanwhile, the Indonesian government has not yet responded to the ChatGPT problem. The two countries have different views regarding ChatGPT, especially regarding national security.
KEYWORDS:ChatGPT, incorrect information, national security, smart technologies, weakness.
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