1Mahfud Washim, 2Taufikin, 3Nurshiam
1Postgraduate of Islamic Studies (S2), IAIN Kudus Indonesia
2IAIN Kudus, Indonesia
3State of Elementary School (SD) Negeri Harjowinangun 02 Dempet Demak, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i1n03Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research intends to reveal the urgency of the practice of ta'dib in SMP (Junior High School) Tahfiẓ al-Qur'an at Tahfiẓ Ma'had YASIN Kudus. The type of study used in this paper is qualitative; the author conducts the stages of obtaining the resulting data, including conducting interviews and observing and providing supporting documentation. The approach uses descriptive phenomenology. The author tries to explain the results of data from informants related to the urgency of ta'dib in supporting the process of memorizing the Qur'an (Tahfiẓ) at SMP Tahfiẓ Ma'had YASIN Kudus. This is very important because it is closely related to building moral manners in students to Kalamullah. One form of ta'dib towards the Qur'an is to read it as often as possible in a tikrar or repeat it as much as possible. The final result of this research shows that students of SMP Tahfiẓ Ma'had YASIN Kudus practice this ta'dib concept. When viewed from the perspective of Muhammad Naquib al-Attas's thought, ta'dib is central to the process of education and learning. In this context, Adab refers to discipline towards the physical and spiritual, emphasizing the position of physical and spiritual potential. Ta'dib is also intended to control the mind and soul to achieve something positive in both aspects, to show the correct behaviour and avoid the wrong behaviour.
KEYWORDS:Ta'dib, Akhlak, Tahfiẓ
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