Ioannis Karras
Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting, Faculty of Humanities, Ionian University, Greece
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i1n11Google Scholar Download Pdf
This Article Reports on The Investigation of The Affective Perspective of Cultural Adaptation — Namely Attitudes — Among A Small Sample of Greek Middle Managers as These Attitudes Relate to Their Suitability for A Potential Work Assignment Abroad. Data Were Gatherer with The Use of Semi-Structured Interviews Involving Four Managers. The Date Revealed That Overall, The Respondents’ Attitudes Towards Cultural Diversity Appear Rather Positive as They Showed Signs of Respect, Openness, And Tolerance of Ambiguity.
KEYWORDS:Cultural Adaptation, Cultural Awareness, Intercultural Communication, Intercultural Competence, Greek Managers, Sojourner, Tolerance of Ambiguity,
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