1Yoga Fernando Rizqi, 2Risma Margaretha Sinaga, 3Muhammad Nurwahidin
1Doctoral Student Department Education, Faculty Teaching and Science Education, University of Lampung, Indonesia
2,3Lecture, Faculties Teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i1n01Google Scholar Download Pdf
Textually speaking, this study aims to enhance Indonesian values through teaching history on the theme of local heroes. Heroes are usually associated with local principles, traditions, and cultures. Building and preserving local identity and pride was greatly helped by local heroes. Their contribution is in accordance with the needs and characteristics of the community. This research was conducted qualitatively and using literary studies. The results of the research suggest that, firstly, the understanding of local heroes must be relevant to classroom history teaching from a philosophical and pedagogical point of view; secondly, fears or apriori about the emergence of primordialism or ethnosentrism in local history education must be eliminated; and thirdly, educators and historians, not students, must create popular ideas like a local hero.
KEYWORDS:Indonesian Value Strategy, History Study, Local Heroes
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