1Victoria H. Silva, 2Dr. Dolores D. Versano
1Secondary School Teacher II- JHS, 2 Part Timer Professor Graduate Studies and Applied Research (GSAR)
1Callejon National High School, Callejon, San Antonio, Quezon, Philippines
2Laguna State Polytechnic University, San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i9n05Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study is to meet the needs and develop the competencies of the students. It will also help them in preparation for their Senior High School since majority of these students would like to enroll in Technology – Vocational Livelihood Track which also focuses on these entrepreneurial competencies. The study employed the descriptive research design as it aimed to accurately and systematically describe and identify characteristics, frequencies, trends, and categories of a population, situation or phenomenon. This design was appropriate since it determined and explained the data gathered from the participants’ perception towards using Learning activity worksheet. To analyze the significant difference between mean pretest and posttest scores of the respondents before and after the utilization of Learning Activity Worksheet mean, standard deviation and t-test were used. To examine the significant relationship between student’s perception on the use of Learning Activity Worksheet and their personal entrepreneurial skills Pearson-Product Moment Correlation was used. The hypothesis is not sustained. The null hypothesis stating” there is no significant relationship in student’s perception on the use of Learning Activity Worksheet and their personal entrepreneurial skills” is accepted. Technology and Livelihood Education as one of the subjects offered to secondary students in the Philippines which taught diverse skills promote entrepreneurship education that would develop the personal entrepreneurial competency of the students. With the growing importance of globalization, students must be competitive by enhancing their personal entrepreneurial competencies.
KEYWORDS:Learning Activity Worksheet, Personal entrepreneurial Competencies
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