1Ordessa R. Ocampo, 2Elisa N. Chua
1Teacher I, Tiaong East Elementary School, Lumingon, Tiaong,Quezon, Quezon Province
2Associate Professor V, Laguna State Polytechnic University- San Pablo City Campus, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i9n14Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study aimed to determine the relationship of between contingency leadership model and teachers work commitment and performance. The study utilized descriptive-correlational design which involved the participation of 181 teachers in Tiaong I district. The study utilized survey questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and Pearson Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient will be used at 0.05 level of confidence. The data gathered indicated that the perception of the respondents on contingency leadership practices as to situational control as observed in terms of Leadership style and Situational Features and as to Qualities of Followers, situational condition is Highly Observed. In terms of Goal Setting and Expectancy, Directive Clarifying, Achievement-Oriented and Participative is observed while Supportive is highly observed. The perception on Decision making as to Autocratic and Consultative and Collaborative are perceived to be observed. The teacher respondents are highly committed as to Task-Orientation and Motivation and committed as to participation. While the teacher respondents work performance as to Teaching effectiveness, Managing time and Performing duties, the teachers are performing while in terms of Learning Delivery they are highly performing. The findings gathered in the study indicated that there is significant relationship between contingency leadership model and work commitment and performance of classroom executives, thus null hypothesis is not sustained.
KEYWORDS:contingency, leadership, work commitment and performance
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