1Krizzia Myrica E. Aguda,2Zenaida M. Cuenca
1,2Laguna State Polytechnic University, San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i8n08Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study sought to determine the extent to which students perceive level of self-directedness, motivation, and their performances as a Grade 10 students. The study employed a descriptive-correlational research design. This focused on describing the students' perceptions of the level of self-directedness in TLE in terms of being a dependent learner, interested learner, involved learner, and self- directed learner. The study's findings revealed that student respondents' perceptions of their level of selfdirectedness fall only on being a dependent learner which is the stage 1 on self-directed learner. They are merely dependent on extrinsic variables which most of the learner-respondents always perceive and consider themselves as a dependent learner. This reflected the result on their perceived level of motivation which findings shown that the learners corresponded a lot on extrinsic variables. The study revealed that self-directedness and student’s performance have no significant relationship. However, there is a weak relationship between the learner’s level of motivation and written performance variable. Further research must be conducted along this light, to explore the extent of self-directedness to have positive effect to the students’ performance in TLE.
KEYWORDS:self-directedness motivation written task performance task
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