1Rechelle S. Moron, 2, Cecilia Q. Velasco, EdD
1,2San Pablo City, Laguna 4000; Laguna State Polytechnic University- SPC Campus
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i8n12Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study was conducted in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Seminary in Sariaya, Quezon. The respondents were composed thirty (30) Grade 11 senior high school students. It sought to determine the oral communication proficiency of the students based on articulation, modulation, stage presence, facial expression, and rapport with the audience before and after being exposed to the teaching strategies in speaking story completion and picture description in terms of pretest and post-test. Moreover, the significant difference between pretest and post-test of students was also explored. This study used experimental research design with the use of speaking activities, and a statistical tool employing frequency and percentage and Test of Difference. Random sampling was used to select the sample respondents. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant difference between the pretest and post-test result of the student respondents. Based on the results, since the interpreted results on all variables under pretest and post-test conform to the significant difference of 0.00 level, the overall result states that there is a significant difference between the pretest and post-test of the grade 11 students when exposed to the speaking activities, story completion and picture description. The researcher recommends educators may apply the same speaking strategies in learning environment. Furthermore, language educators must consider that the speaking strategies must be appropriate, relevant, and useful. Likewise, the speaking strategies must have the ability to attract learners and sustain their interest and be helpful in terms of attainment of essential learning outcomes. They may also explore and endeavor other speaking strategies that may help improve the oral communication proficiency needs of the students.
KEYWORDS:story completion, picture description, articulation, modulation, stage presence, facial expression, rapport with the audience
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