1Nesciel May R. Bawal, 2Zenaida M. Cuenca
1Paiisa National High School, Paiisa Tiaong, Quezon, 4325, Philippines
2Laguna State Polytechnic University, San Pablo City Campus, 4000, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i8n11Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aimed to improve the performance in Empowerment Technologies subject of the Grade 11 TVL students, the researcher sought to find out if creating an interactive application would make an impact to the teaching and learning process. The study employed an experimental design where the researcher used the mobile-based education app to improve the written and hands-on performance of the students in Empowerment Technologies subject. This study is also descriptive where the respondents’ perception about the application in terms of the aspects of mobile learning was evaluated. Thus, the researcher tested whether the perception of the students in terms of the aspects of mobile learning on the developed mobile-based education app is significantly related to students’ performances. The findings reveal that there were more female among the respondents. The parents’ educational attainment was high school graduate and have an income of less than 10,000 pesos per month. Majority of the respondents have a smartphone as their available gadgets at home. Furthermore, the mobile-based education app on the aspects of mobile learning such as device aspect, learner aspect and social aspects were strongly agreed. The majority of the respondents were fair level during the pre-test written performance and has significantly improved after using the mobile-based education app. Thus, majority of the respondents were very satisfactory in their hands-on performances. The perception of the respondents in the aspects of mobile-based education app is not significantly related to their performances.; the hypothesis was Sustained. It is recommended that the developed mobile-based education app be used in other grade levels whenever applicable for any intervention or enrichment activities.
KEYWORDS:Empowerment Technologies, Mobile-based Education App, Senior High School, Mobile learning, Technology and Livelihood Education
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