1Marlene C. Roxas,2Cecilia Q. Velasco
1Tayabas Western Academy
2Laguna State Polytechnic University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i8n01Google Scholar Download Pdf
Reading competence refers to the comprehending, using, thinking about and engaging with written texts to help the students gain and develop knowledge and skills. The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of using video subtitles in improving reading competence when teaching selections from world literature compared to one of the conventional ways of teaching literature, utilizing read aloud through guided reading approach and with the use of handouts. Results revealed that the null hypotheses among the pre-tests and post-test of control group, pre-test and posttest of the experimental groups, pre-tests of control experimental groups, and also its posttest being compared are not rejected but not fully accepted. The strategies are not fully effective in improving all areas the reading competence. Thus, the hypothesis is supported. Results show that there is a significant difference in the posttest scores of the following reading competencies, sequencing events and answering direct recall questions of the control and experimental groups. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the posttest scores of the control and experimental groups based from the results shown in identifying main idea and key details, making inference/predictions, and identifying unfamiliar vocabulary. Therefore, it is concluded that the said strategies are not fully effective in improving all areas of reading competence.
KEYWORDS:competence, experimental, literature, reading, subtitles
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