VOlUME 02 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
1Myca F. Geneta,2 Michelle B. Sarmiento, EdD
1,2Bawi, Padre Garcia Batanags, 4224
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i7n12Google Scholar Download Pdf
The present study was focused on determining and analyzing the extent of home learning environment and parentteacher ecology towards the academic performance and positive social behavior of Grade 6 pupils in the S.Y. 2022-2023. The target respondents of the study included Grade 6 students. The study utilized the descriptive quantitative research design in gathering data and information for the completion of this research endeavor. The survey questionnaire was utilized as the main tool for the data gathering process of the research. The researcher concluded that that based on the students’ experience in their home learning environment, this is more related to the way that they are being influenced by the kind of environment they have at home; that the established good relations between parent and teacher can be concluded to have a significant role in terms of helping children or learners learn better and integrate or incorporate important values and attitudes into their lives as part of their daily learning experience at school; and that academic success among the learners can be concluded to be attainable with the help of parents and teachers and the willingness of the pupils themselves. On the other hand, the researcher recommended that conduct parent-teacher conferences and meetings help the parents develop better attitudes and approaches to guide their children in doing assignments or projects; that in order to enrich the parent-teacher ecology aspect, parent-teacher conferences are again recommended in order to effectively address any emergence of problems and misunderstandings between parents and teachers.
KEYWORDS:academic performance, behavior, home learning environment, parent-teacher ecology
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VOlUME 02 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
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